County Training

Growing Roots

The Scout Association have introduced a new digital system.
Part of that incorporates the new Learning system, and the buttons below will take you directly to the specific learning module.

You will be asked to log on and, once done, you can then access the learning.

Mandatory Training


The safeguarding training. Needs to be completed every 3 years.

Mandatory Training

Safety Training

Safety training. Must be renewed before the 14th July 2025 and then every 3 years.

Mandatory Training

First Response

Please speak to your District Volunteer Development Team or check the Derbyshire County Training Diary for any potential First Response courses

Growing Roots

Who we are and what we do

At Scouts, we work together towards a shared goal, which is to help young people develop skills for life. We need all our volunteers' help to do this, so we want to make sure you understand how Scouts works and what support is available to you

Growing Roots


You'll learn how to challenge assumptions, adopt practical ways to foster inclusivity, respond effectively to requests for reasonable adjustments, and address discrimination when it arises.

Growing Roots

Leading Scout Volunteers

This session covers adapting your leadership, building teams, supporting volunteers, conducting reviews, having constructive conversations, managing approvals, and driving inclusive growth.

Growing Roots

Delivering a great program

This session covers the Scout Method, youth involvement, promoting positive behaviour, planning safe and exciting programs for top awards, and working with parents and carers.

The Trustee Board

Trustee Introduction

If you are a member of the Trustee board, you need to do this training - just once.


Welcome Conversation

If you wish to be accredited to help out with Welcome conversations, do this learning.