What does Fencing offer

The information listed here is intended to help Leaders who would like to arrange Fencing for their section. It also has information for Leaders/Adults who would like to get involved with Fencing.

Derbyshire Fencing team offers you and your young people a chance to try fencing. Fencing is a mobile activity and we will visit your group in the county. We have a team of keen instructors that offers you a chance to try this lesser-known sport. We can provide whole day, part-day or evening session. This can be for a large District/Group event or just your regular sectional meeting.

A typical Fencing session will include:

• safe handling of the equipment and how to undertake Fencing safely
• basic stance and how to move around when Fencing
• introduction to Fencing etiquette and fitness

Leader Information

Scout HQ has provided this information relating to Fencing. It also lists some badges that Fencing can count towards.
Click here to view this information.
Click here for images and reviews from recent fencing sessions.

  • Scouting is an outdoor organisation. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the time of year.
  • We recommend you wear a long sleeved top.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, with a flat sole (no high heels)
  • Remember to bring a drink to keep well hydrated

Click Fencing Team to contact the Fencing team.

Contact Fencing team to confirm size of group that can be accommodate.

Contact Fencing team to confirm duration of their activities.

Contact Fencing team to discuss options for them to visit your group or to meet at a central location.

There is a minimum cost for this activity of £50.00.
For larger groups, the cost is £3.00 per person.
Example costs, book for 10 people would be the minimun costs of £50.00, book for 20 people, cost would be £60.00.
Charges cover consumable items and travel expenses.
Please contact us with your specific requirements and we will provide you with a quote.

Additional Information

Click Fencing Team to request any technical support or advice.

Click here to view POR relating to this activity

Click here to view current Factsheets

British Fencing is the National Governing body for this sport.
Click here to visit their website.

Events Fencing Team supports

Big Shoot
Peak Camp
Spring Bank Camp

Holly Walker-Riggott, Jon CantrillFencing Team

Sections supported

Restricted to use plastic equipment
Restricted to use plastic equipment
Must complete two session using plastic equipment before moving to steel equipment
Must complete one session using plastic equipment before moving to steel equipment
Must complete one session using plastic equipment before moving to steel equipment
Adults / LeadersMust complete one session using plastic equipment before moving to steel equipment