About Cubs
The Cub pack is the third section of the Scout Group following on from Squirrels then Beavers. Cub scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10½. There is flexibility in the age range: young people can join from 7½, and can move on to Scout any time between the ages of 10 and 11.
Cub Scouts take part in a programme packed with fun, surprises and most importantly adventure!
There are lots of exciting things that Cub Scouts aged eight to ten and a half do. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take part in adventurous activities, as well as going on camps and residential experiences. They will get the chance to try loads of different activities like exploring, swimming, hiking and cooking on camp fires.
Cubs can earn Badges that can be worn on their uniforms by doing these activities.

Activity and Staged badges
Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. From athletics and astronomy to photography and pioneering, there's something for everyone. For a full list of Activity and Staged Badges click here
Completing Challenge Awards lets you do more, learn more and be more.
Challenge Awards
Challenge awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn't normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you'll unlock hidden talents and stand tall.

Chief Scout's Silver Award
This is the highest award a Cub can earn.
To complete it, you need to earn six Activity or Staged Activity Badges of your choice, as well as all seven of the Challenge Awards.

Leadership Stripes
Within their Pack, Cubs are part of a Six. A Six is a smaller group of Cubs, headed up by a Sixer and Seconder. Sixers and Seconders are older Cub Scouts who are chosen to take on leadership responsililities, such as welcoming new people to the Pack or taking charge of a particular game or activity.

How Do I Join Cub Scouts?
If you are not already involved in Cubs and would like to take part in the fun that Cubs offers, either as a Young person or as an Adult leader or helper, please feel free to contact Gyles Wren, Mark Stafford, the Cubs who will be more than happy to help with your enquiry.
The Cubs can be contacted by using the Contact form on the website