Who are Explorer Scouts and what is Explorer Scouting?
Explorer Scouts are young people, usually aged between 14 and 18 years old - and these make up an Explorer Unit.
"Flexible" is what best describes this section.
Units are generally linked to Scout Troops with in a District but can also form extra units, which are based around various activities i.e. climbing/cycling etc. This enables members to be part of several units, depending on their particular interest. More so, they are able to fit scouting, around sitting those all-important exams.
How do I join Explorer Scouts?

If you are not already involved in Explorers and would like to take part in the fun of Scouting either as a Explorer Scout, or as an adult Leader or helper, please feel free to contact the Assistant County Commissioner for the Explorers section, who will be pleased to give you details of a Unit near you.
If he doesn't know all the answers he will know someone who does!
Explorers can be contacted by using the Contact form on the website