What is Scouting?
The Scout Section is for young people, aged between 10½ and 14 years.
As members of a Scout Troop, they usually meet once a week with other outdoor activities arranged at weekends and other times during the year. Scouts are encouraged to take part in an awards scheme through a number of challenges leading up to the Chief Scout's Gold Award, the highest award available in the age group.
If you would like to know more about the fun, challenge and adventure of becoming a Scout, just contact the County Scout representive, who will be pleased to give you details of Troops near you.
You can contact the County Scouts person by using the Contact Form on the website.
Each Scout Troop has its own leadership team who usually meet together with other Troops from their District to coordinate local activities. As a County, the Scouts representive holds regular meetings with their peer roles from each District within Derbyshire. They get together to coordinate events and share best practice.
Working together in this way helps us to deliver a quality programme, which is challenging, relevant and rewarding and creates a platform for sharing new ideas. Sample programmes can be found in the Scouts downloads Programme Plans folder
We publish our County Calendar of events following the meeting and this is then updated accordingly.
Ready Steady Cook
Districts are invited to enter a representative team to compete in the 2024 competition to be held at the 15th Matlock Scout HQ, Matlock Green, on Saturday, 23rd March 2024.
You can find more details, including booking information, in the 2024 Derbyshire Scouts - Ready Steady Cook.pdf file in the downloads section at the bottom of this page.
Each team will have to prepare and cook a meal for two people to consist of a starter, main course and a dessert – the dessert can either be made at home beforehand and brought to the competition or made on site. The meal must also include one sauce.
The theme for this year’s competition is French Cuisine. Teams will research and produce a good and filling 3-course meal on a budget of £12.
Chilly Challenge

Join us for the annual Chilly Challenge 2025. Any Scout or Explorer who camps outdoors in January or February will earn the prestigious Chilly Challenge camp badge to produly wear on their uniform. Leaders can earn a badge too, simply by camping out.
Badge Cost: 30 pence each, and can be ordered by using this form or email to ACC Scouts.
Invoices will be issued shortly after your badge order is issued.
To minimize postage costs, we encourage you to place orders via your District or Group.
Any questions or need guidance about the event, please reach out by email.
Happy camping!
Dragon Awards

Dragon Awards are open to Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Network Members and adult members of Scouting and are designed to encourage participants to camp in as many different settings as possible. Please note, it is not open to Cubs or Beavers
Record Cards for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Dragon Awards, may be downloaded from the downloads section below, where you will also find a complete copy of the rules but when attempting the Dragon Awards
Please keep yourself abreast of the up to date rules by visiting https://scoutscymru.org.uk/what/badges/ and send your completed cards to admin@scoutscymru.org.uk