What does Archaeology offer

The information listed here is intended to help Leaders who would like to arrange Archaeology for their section. It also has information for Leaders/Adults who would like to get involved with this activity. The Archaeology team will also offer support and advice if you run into any difficulties.

Archaeology isn’t just about digging, it can be a fun and interactive way to learn about history, past cultures and our heritage. The Derbyshire Archaeology badge offers lots of practical activities to help young people explore the history of Derbyshire as well as thinking about bigger questions and how we can use archaeology to help us with present-day problems. We have provided everything you need to run the badge, so no prior experience of archaeology is required for you to run the badge.

Archaeology can be undertaken by all Scouting sections. Click here to for information on the badge requirements. This also includes links to suggested resource books and activity sheets. Each resource book contains everything you need to run the badge for that section. If you are new to archaeology then we offer a 'Intro to Archaeology' session to help you get started with this badge. Use the contact details below to contact us. We also offer on-going support and advice to any Leader who undertakes this badge/activity. All the resources needed to run the badge and its activities are available from this web site.
If you are planning to visit any location, please check their web site for opening times and charges before you visit. It may be worth finding out if they offer any "special" talks or guided tours for Scout sections.
The Archaeology team do have contacts available if you want a talk or session with a real archaeologist, so please do get in contact and we will do our best to support your request.

Once a person has completed the the badge requirements, please use the contact link below, to contact the Archaeology team. They will then arrange for all the badges and certificates to be sent out.
Leader Information
Scout HQ does not currently publish information relating to this activity. Click here for additional information which the Archaeology team maintain on this Facebook group. Click here to follow the Archaeology team on Instagram. Click here to follow the Archaeology team on Twitter. Click here to view content in our YouTube channel.
- Dress appropriately for the time of year
- If the activity is taking place outdoors, wear boots or wellies and ensure you have waterproofs, just in case!
Click Archaeology Team to contact the Archaeology team.
Contact archaeology team to confirm size of group that can be accommodate.
Contact archaeology team to confirm duration of their activities.
The archaeology team does visit groups and support larger district events. Contact archaeology team to confirm what they can offer.
Contact archaeology team to discuss exact costing for their activity.
Additional Information
Click Archaeology Team to contact the County Archaeology team.
Scouting UK does not currently publish any specific information relating to archaeology. All Scouting policies, safety, risk assessments must be applied when you undertake this activity. Click here to view POR relating to general activities
Scouting UK does not currently publish any factsheets relating to this activity.
There are a number of UK organisation that can help. They are: Young Archaeologists Club. Click here to visit their web site. British Archaeological Association. Click here to visit their web site. Council for British Archaeology. Click here to visit their web site.
Events Archaeology Team supports
Archaeology Dig
Spring Bank Camp
Archaeology Badge Requirements
Here is the list of requirements you must complete to obtain this badge. Requirements are also available as a downloadable PDF.
Click here to open the PDF of badge requirements.
Click to expand Squirrel resources
Section |
Requirements |
Resource Book |
Supporting Documents |
All Sections |
- Here is some general information and advice that applies to all sections.
Click here for information on what we offer. |
Click here for information relating to excavations. Click here for best practise advice. Click here for the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Glossary to discover the meaning of some archaeological terms.
Squirrels |
- Archaeology is all about things related to people in the past. Things•People•Past. People in the past made things, just like we do now. Can you think of something made by somebody a long time ago?
- We can learn a lot about people who lived in the past by making something that they might have made. What could you make?
- You could make Stone Age cave art or a sword belonging to a knight defending a castle.
- Go on an adventure to a place from the past. What things can you find there?
- You might visit an archaeological site, museum, or place in your local area.
Click here for the Squirrel workbook. |
Click here to open pennant colouring activity. Click here to open colouring sheet. |
Click to expand Beaver resources
Section |
Requirements |
Resource Book |
Supporting Documents |
All Sections |
- Here is some general information and advice that applies to all sections.
Click here for information on what we offer. |
Click here for information relating to excavations. Click here for best practise advice. Click here for the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Glossary to discover the meaning of some archaeological terms.
Beavers |
- Find out three things archaeologists study and three excavation tools
- Think of and discuss reasons for studying the past
- Complete an interactive activity
- Choose one of these options:
- Visit an archaeological site in Derbyshire
- Visit a museum in Derbyshire
- Carry out the Time Traveller Activity
Click here for the Beaver workbook. |
Click here to open Hunter Gatherer activity. Click here to open Archaeology Jigsaw activity. Click here to open Time Traveller activity. |
Click to expand Cub resources
Section |
Requirements |
Resource Book |
Supporting Documents |
All Sections |
- Here is some general information and advice that applies to all sections.
Click here for information on what we offer. |
Click here for information relating to excavations. Click here for best practise advice. Click here for the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Glossary to discover the meaning of some archaeological terms.
Cubs |
- Create your own definition of archaeology
- Research a famous archaeologist and their discoveries
- Think of three rules that an archaeologist should follow when excavating
- Choose one of the following options:
- Recreate an object from the past
- Discover the use of two artefacts, each from a different time period; these could be from a museum, book or the internet
- Choose one of the following options:
- Visit an archaeological excavation in Derbyshire and find out what tools are used to carry out the excavation
- Visit an archaeological site in Derbyshire and think about how it may have looked in the past compared to today
Click here for the Cub workbook. |
Click here to open Soap Age Tools activity. Click here to open the Time Trowel activity. Click here to open Archaeology Relay Race activity. Click here to open Time Trowel Blazers information sheet. |
Click to expand Scout resources
Section |
Requirements |
Resource Book |
Supporting Documents |
All Sections |
- Here is some general information and advice that applies to all sections.
Click here for information on what we offer. |
Click here for information relating to excavations. Click here for best practise advice. Click here for the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Glossary to discover the meaning of some archaeological terms.
Scouts |
- Understand what archaeology is
- Think of three reasons for studying archaeology and compare it with what other Scouts think
- Come up with your own list of Badge Behaviours for the following activities, then compare it to the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Behaviours
- Out and About, Excavations and Thinking of Others
- Complete two of the following three activities:
- What We Leave Behind
- Preservation Predictions
- Discover the use of three artefacts, each from a different time period and compare them to items you may use; these could be from a museum, book or the internet
- Choose one of the following options:
- Take part in an archaeological excavation in Derbyshire for a day
- Visit an archaeological site in Derbyshire and present your findings to other people
Click here for the Scout workbook. |
Click here to open Archaeology or Not activity. Click here to open Preservation Predictions activity. Click here to open What We Leave Behind activity. Click here to open Three Reasons Why activity. Click here to open Respect The Past activity. |
Click to expand Explorer resources
Section |
Requirements |
Resource Book |
Supporting Documents |
All Sections |
- Here is some general information and advice that applies to all sections.
Click here for information on what we offer. |
Click here for information relating to excavations. Click here for best practise advice. Click here for the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Glossary to discover the meaning of some archaeological terms.
Explorers |
- Understand what archaeology is and explore two specialisms, such as:
- Archaeological science
- Osteoarchaeology
- Ethnoarchaeology
- Heritage studies
- Geoarchaeology
- Historical Archaeology
- Zooarchaeology & Museum Studies
- Pick three words from the list below, learn their meaning, and create an activity or game to demonstrate one of the terms:
- aDNA
- Carbon Dating
- Dental Calculus
- Domestication
- Hunter-Gatherers
- Micromorphology
- Stratigraphy
- Taphonomy
- Treasure Law
- Choose one of the following options:
- Choose a site in Derbyshire to research and then compare it to another site outside of the UK from the same time period
- Draw or sketch to scale a map of a site in Derbyshire
- Choose an activity from the activity bank
- Deliver two activities to help a younger section or new Explorer Scouts to achieve the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge
- Choose one of the following options:
- Take part in an archaeological excavation in Derbyshire for two days
- Visit two archaeological sites in Derbyshire, then discuss the differences between how they were excavated and what has been found at each site
Click here for the Explorer workbook. |
Click here to open Piece It Together activity. |
Click to expand Network resources
Section |
Requirements |
Resource Book |
Supporting Documents |
All Sections |
- Here is some general information and advice that applies to all sections.
Click here for information on what we offer. |
Click here for information relating to excavations. Click here for best practise advice. Click here for the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge Glossary to discover the meaning of some archaeological terms.
Networks |
- Think about what you perceive archaeology to be and compare it to other people's understanding of the subject
- Think about one of the following questions and discuss it among other Network members:
- Should we dig up archaeological sites?
- Can archaeology represent everyone in the past?
- Should objects in museums be returned to their country of origin?
- Why is it important to protect archaeological sites?
- Help deliver the Derbyshire Archaeology Badge to a younger section
- Choose one of these options:
- Take an active part in an archaeological excavation in Derbyshire for a week
- Volunteer at a museum or archaeological site in Derbyshire for a minimum of 20 hours
- Raise awareness of archaeology within Derbyshire, whether it is among the Scouting community or outside, and focus on one of the following themes
- Education
- Environment
- Sustainability
Click here for the Network workbook. |
Click here to open the Diggers Debate activity. |
Click here to return to the top of the page.
Morgause LomasArchaeology Team
Sections supported
Section | Eligible | Notes |
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Adults / Leaders | | |